Seven Crows is a supernatural thriller series by Justin Killam and published by Apocrypha Studios. Seven orphan children, bound together by fate and a mysterious friend that only they can see, have been separated ever since the incident that left their orphanage in ruins. Years later, something powerful and frightening begins to awaken within them, darkness stirs around them, and they are propelled out into the world to find each other once again. This is only the beginning...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Release Day Sell Out
With Seven Crows available online for Kobo, Kindle, and Amazon Softcover, I still wanted to do a small print run to have my official release day here in my hometown of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. So I did, and it went VERY well. So well that I sold ALL of my copies and now have more on the way! If you live in Yarmouth or nearby, send me an email at and I can set you up with an autographed softcover copy of Seven Crows for $10. If you live in Canada and would like an autographed copy, again send me an email.
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